Kurohatsurin is a supplement designed to help address hair concerns such as greying and thinning caused by aging. It contains 16 types of herbal ingredients, such as Ejiao (Donkey-Hide Gelatin), and 27 hair-beneficial components, including keratin, cysteine, and soy isoflavones. This product has been a best-seller for over ten years since its launch.
What is Ejiao (Donkey-Hide Gelatin)?
Ejiao is an ancient herbal remedy derived from donkey skin, traditionally used in royal beauty formulas. It naturally contains 19 amino acids and 27 minerals, such as collagen and GABA, which support overall hair health.
Since its release in 2007, Kurohatsurin has been a nationwide favorite, known as the pioneer in black hair supplements. It not only helps maintain hair's elasticity and shine but also addresses concerns like greying hair, providing a comprehensive anti-aging hair care solution.
[How to Use]
Take 6 capsules per day with water or lukewarm water, without chewing.